18th IAPR International Conference on
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
10-12 September 2014 Siena, Italy
As a first step, we recommend to submit the abstract of the paper to be submitted in the online submission system. The abstract should not be longer than 250 words. The pdf file containing the full submission can be uploader later, but anyway before the expiration of the submission deadline.
The submission of the full paper should be done using the online system, with the same account used for the submission of the abstract. Articles should be prepared according to the LNCS recommendations and templates and they should be at most twelve page long. All papers must be submitted in electronic format as PDF files before the submission deadline.
The accepted papers that will be presented at the conference will be published by Springer Verlag on Lecture Notes and Computer Science. Before publication, the authors will be requested to fill and sign Springer's form for the consent to publish and the copyright transfer.Keep in mind that papers that deviate too much from our guidelines will be returned to the authors. The articles will be allowed to go through the reviewing process only they satisfy the specified requirements.