18th IAPR International Conference on
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery

10-12 September 2014 Siena, Italy

Demo submission

The 18th edition of DGCI will host a demonstration session. The purpose of this session is to provide the opportunity to present and share effective applications related to the main topics of DGCI.

Authors of accepted papers are highly encouraged to participate showing their software to effectively reproduce their results. However, demonstrations have not to be related only to papers that will appear at DGCI 2014, but they can also concern researches about the topics of the meeting. Moreover new development tools/libraries that are planned to be used in future research can also be presented in this demonstration session.

So, the only selection criteria will rely on the fact that the subject of the demonstration has to be relevant to topics of Discrete Geometry:

  • Models for Discrete Geometry (grids, discrete objects, discrete model properties, digitization schemes, metrics,...)
  • Discrete and Combinatorial Topology
  • Geometric Transforms (image mappings, distance transformation, skeletons and medial axis,...)
  • Discrete Shape Representation, Recognition and Analysis
  • Discrete Tomography
  • Morphological Analysis
  • Discrete Modelling and Visualization
  • Discrete and Combinatorial Tools for Image Segmentation and Analysis

Prospective demo participants should submit, no later than June 30th, to dgci2014@diism.unisi.it with the subject "DGCI2014 demo" containing:

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Institution
  • Content already published? YES/NO (If yes, please precise the conference/journal).
  • Extended abstract: 1 page at most, with the description of the demo to be presented, including the topic/problem it is related with, and few explanatory pictures.
The abstract should be attached as a single .zip file containing the source files (.tex in standard article style and the figures). The extended abstract will appear on the conference website in the "Demo Session" section. The organization will award a prize for the best demo presented at the conference.

At least one of the authors presenting a demo must register for the conference. In case that there are more demonstrations than the number allowed by available space, the date of the submission will be used for the selection of participants.

Important dates

  • Deadline for demo submission: June 30th, 2014
  • Notification to authors: July 5th, 2014